Electronic City Bus Stand, Outside Sagar Restaurant- Journal Entry 2- Food Stalls

Riddhi Pandey
MA Development, 1st Year
Date: 25th Feb 2015

The corner from the tables outside the Sagar Restaurant are a good spot to look at the various food stalls across the road. Today I went in the afternoon, which is an unusual time for me to visit this spot. So a few food stalls that I observed were different from the ones I generally see here. Just at the corner there is a stall of ripe jackfruit, which is being pealed, cleaned and cut into smaller pieces and stored in glass jars by the lady vendor. The woman who is running the stall has a child along with her. She as kept a few pieces of newspaper to give away the fruit to those who come to buy it from her. However, during my entire one hour long stay, I did not observe anyone coming and buying her ware. A few metres away is fresh coconut water stall, where the owner stands before a pile of green coconuts. This is a very busy stall where you see families, mothers with young children, a number of men, a few young girls among others who come to purchase and consume fresh coconut water. On that same side of the road, a few metres further is a closed card of biscuits and fried chips wrapped in large plastic bags. This material is tied to the cart and appears to have been left completely unguarded. And beyond all of these stalls is fruitseller, selling cut-up fruits i.e. watermelon and pineapple. This seems to be a very popular stall too. A lot of men stop by on their way to their routine work or while on break for lunch, stop for a plateful of the fruit. It seems that because of the heat of the afternoon, all stalls which are open and thriving are of fresh fruits and coconut water.

On the other side of the road where I am standing with my glass of coffee, the restaurant is not too crowded, as it is often observed to be in the evenings when I am generally there. Many people stop for a cup of coffee, men, women, girls and boys. Some also come in for a late lunch.

About Kaushal

Exploring, Experiencing, Entertaining everyday of my life through introspection.
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1 Response to Electronic City Bus Stand, Outside Sagar Restaurant- Journal Entry 2- Food Stalls

  1. Kiran says:

    These are good, close observations…here is a link to an interesting website of ‘Project for Public spaces’: http://www.pps.org/reference/cities-are-for-people-not-for-cars/


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